Child Safety
Morrison Academy places a high value on children and strives to provide a safe, caring environment for our students. The school is committed to cultivating an atmosphere in which all students are treated with respect and feel safe and protected. Employees and volunteers assume the burden of maintaining clearly established safeguards in all interaction with children.
Morrison Academy is a member of the Child Safety and Protection Network (CSPN). CSPN is a network of more than 125 mission agencies, faith-based NGOs and international Christian schools. Their heart, calling, and mission is to collaborate across the globe with other Christian organizations to connect, educate, and protect through effective child safety programs. Morrison Academy is a member of CSPN, and our school has implemented the 7 key elements of an effective child safety program.
馬禮遜學校是兒童安全及保護網絡 (CSPN) 的成員。該網絡由超過125個宣教機構、以基督信仰為根基之非政府組織、及國際基督教學校組成。他們的心、呼召、和使命乃是與全球其他基督教組織合作,透過有效的兒童安全方案來進行聯結、教育、和保護。馬禮遜學校是CSPN的一員,而且本校也採行其有效兒童安全方案的關鍵要素。馬禮遜學校高度重視兒童,並努力為學生提供一個安全和關懷的環境。學校致力於營造讓所有學生都受到尊重,並感到安全且受到保護的氛圍。教職員工和志工有責任在與兒童的所有互動中,維持校方所制定的明確安全規範。
Morrison Academy has been recognized for its commitment to protecting children through Child Safeguarding Awareness training for its employees and volunteers.
Training for Volunteers and Substitutes
Once you have completed your Child Safety Training, an email will be sent to your email address notifying you of your successful completion.
Child Safety Training 兒童保護課程訓練
Please read and fill out a complete set of the forms below (1 signed application, 1 signed code of conduct form).
以下兩份文件需閱讀/填寫後,簽名回傳: 1. 工作申請表 2. 保護學生安全之行為準則。
Application for Volunteers, Substitutes and Temporary Employees 義工/代課教師/臨時雇員申請表
Code of Conduct Form (English) / 保護學生安全之行為準則 (中文)
Police Report
Designated Confidants 保密者
If individuals believe that their harassment report has not been addressed then they may contact one of the Confidants listed below.

Child Safety Information & Resources for Parents
Focus On the Family
The Parenting section on Focus On the Family's web site provides plentiful resources and tips for parents to help their children stay safe online.Focus On the Family:
Focus On the Family Podcast: Practice Makes Parent (English only)
Summary (from Focus On the Family): "Dive into the heart of Christian parenting with 'Practice Makes Parent,' your go-to podcast for actionable insights, faith-based inspiration, and real-life strategies for every stage of parenthood. From the joyous toddler years to the challenging school-age phase, the perplexities of puberty, and the exhilarating journey of guiding your confident teen, this podcast is your trusty companion. Join hosts Dr. Danny Huerta and Rebecca St. James as they bring you weekly episodes packed with the wisdom of parenting experts. Uncover Biblical truths, effective parenting techniques, and a treasure trove of resources designed to empower moms and dads in today's ever-evolving culture in this fun Christian parenting podcast."
台灣FOCUS家庭協會 (Focus On the Family Taiwan) - 親子關係
Axis provides resources to teens and parents. Their free weekly enewsletter, The Cultural Translator, is written "to help parents and caring adults understand and disciple their teenagers" also help parents "stay up to date on the music, movies, TV shows, and social media trends impacting your kid’s world."
Axis 為青少年和家長們提供資源,他們每週的免費電子報“The Cultural Translator”旨在「協助父母及關心的民眾理解和培訓身邊的青少年」,同時也幫助父母「及時了解影響孩子世界的音樂、電影、電視節目和社交媒體趨勢。」
These age-appropriate books are available in each of our libraries for parents to use:
- How God Makes Babies (Pure Foundations) [Hardcover] by Jim Burns
- God Made Your Body (Pure Foundations) [Hardcover] by Jim Burns
- The Story of Me (God's Design for Sex) [Paperback] by Brenna Jones, Stan Jones
- Before I Was Born (God's Design for Sex) [Paperback] by Carolyn Nystrom
- What's the Big Deal? Why God Cares About Sex (God's Design for Sex) [Paperback] by Brenna Jones, Stan Jones
- Boundaries With Kids [Paperback] by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
- Good Pictures, Bad Pictures Jr. [Hardcover] by Kristen A. Jenson, MA