
Thank you for your interest in Morrison Academy.


We realize that your child’s education is extremely important to you. The staff at our campuses in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung have a common vision of providing a quality, biblically-integrated education so that each of our students will be equipped to dynamically impact their world.


Please explore the links below to see if Morrison Academy is right for you. Applications are only available online, and all of our campuses use a common application form.


Once you've submitted an application, the admissions coordinator from the applied campus will contact you via email. If your student meets our admissions requirements, the coordinator will guide you through the admissions process. Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions or to schedule a visit to one of our campuses.


As a Christ-centered school, Morrison Academy is committed to equality, inclusion, and access to high level, rigorous learning opportunities for all students regardless of race, language proficiency, socioeconomic status, gender, disabilities, and/or religion, and/or other identities. Each Morrison student will experience a quality, biblically-integrated education.


Official Morrison Admissions Coordinators


Joyce Ku
Admissions Coordinator at
Morrison Academy Taipei


Audrey Wu
Admissions Coordinator at
Morrison Academy Taichung & Chiayi


Angela Chu
Admissions Coordinator at
Morrison Academy Kaohsiung


A Christian-Focused, Western Style Education
기독교 중심, 서양식 교육에 대한 이해


Understanding a Christian-Focused, Western-Style Education

While we offer an American-based curriculum and are jointly accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Association of Christian Schools International, we are a Christian international school.  We desire to help you become familiar with several important features of the Christian-focused, western-style education offered at Morrison Academy and how it might differ from other schools.

Explores a Christian perspective in all areas and subjects using the Bible and other Christian resources

One component of Morrison Academy’s Vision for our Learners is that they become Christ Followers. The educational philosophy of Morrison Academy is based on God’s truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit in God’s Word, the Bible, and in creation. Christian teachers don’t avoid teaching about the world, but they challenge students to see the world through the lens of the Bible: created perfect by God, damaged by sin, and redeemed by Christ. The Bible is also used to learn skills for restoring every aspect of a fallen world— starting with our minds, our hearts, our relationships, our moral choices, and our worship, but extending to the needs of those around us and to the earth itself. Students, whether Christian or not, are taught to use the Bible as a powerful tool to work towards a better world. This instruction extends to co-curricular and outside-of-class activities.

Focuses on the student as a whole person

Another component of our Vision for our Learners is that they become a wise and responsible steward. Because Morrison Academy prepares students to have the option of attending college, academics are very important. However, we  are committed to educating the whole person, spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically. A western-style school tries to emphasize each of these aspects of a student’s education equally. A Christian school looks for every child’s individual talents and teaches students to honor and use the gifts God has given them. We challenge our students to strive for the highest potential within their gifts and abilities; we want them to develop strong character and leadership qualities, to learn to live in a global community, to serve others, and to accept responsibility for their choices and actions.

Emphasizes higher order thinking skills

Becoming a Critical & Creative Thinker is another piece of our Vision for our Learners. Western educational systems emphasize the integration, analysis and application of information and ideas. Although some memorization will always be required in a course of study, the ability to think critically is considered more important. The emphasis is on using facts to problem-solve and to apply information to real-life situations. In western education, the emphasis is not on how much you know, but on knowing where to find information, being able to discern its validity and usefulness, and applying knowledge to solve a problem. A Christian education also challenges students to seek consistency between their beliefs and actions.

Places a realistic emphasis on grades

In a school such as Morrison Academy, where most graduates go on to four-year, western colleges, grades are important. However, an over-emphasis on a numerical or letter score may sacrifice true learning and create an unhealthy situation by overly stressing a student. We consider the mastery of life skills such as collaboration, leadership and honesty to be more important than grades. Western education tries to de-emphasize grades and emphasize the joy of learning and doing one’s individual best. This emphasis is reflected in the inclusion of Life-long Learner in our Vision for our Learners. Christian education encourages students to seek ways to honor God by using their individual gifts and talents. Creativity and imagination don’t always translate to a high grade point average (GPA), but are attributes that have long-lasting rewards. Learning can be taught to be a rewarding activity and not solely a means to achieve good grades. Morrison Academy wants to foster a love of learning where students desire to learn throughout their lives.

Uses a variety of assessment tools

In a western school such as Morrison Academy, assessment is done in a number of different ways. Assessment is done frequently and is not dependent upon just one test to measure success or achievement. Western education uses not only paper-and-pencil tests, but also verbal, anecdotal, portfolio, project, and presentation forms of assessment. One test is rarely the only measure of success. Moving to the next grade level or to university from high school is based on the number of credits a student receives as opposed to a single test score. This also applies to many western college applications where grades and test scores are not the only factor for acceptance. Most North American colleges do not rely on a placement test. Letters of recommendation and involvement in co-curricular activities and student life are also very important for acceptance to quality colleges in North America.

Partners with parents in the educational process

In a western, Christian school like Morrison Academy, the school views parents as having the God-given responsibility of training their children; the school views itself as a partner to parents in this process. Teachers need the support of parents in order to be successful. Parents are encouraged to communicate with their children’s teachers, and they should not be afraid that this would be seen as interfering or would negatively impact their children’s grades. At Morrison Academy, teachers communicate regularly with parents through announcements, newsletters, and parent-teacher conferences; parents are encouraged to participate in school life through volunteering, attendance at fine arts and athletic events, and utilizing the Parent Action Committees (PAC) on each campus.

Emphasizes developing a personal worldview and living consistently using that worldview

Our core mission statement indicates that we are preparing students to impact the world for Christ. Students at Morrison Academy are challenged to learn about the world and then make discerning choices about what they believe, how they react, and how they live. Part of our Vision for our Learners is that all of our students, whether Christian or not, be able to articulate and defend what they believe using faith, evidence and sound reasoning. Students are encouraged to engage in service projects and outreach programs and to be good stewards of resources.


This article relies extensively on materials created by parents and staff at Dalat International School, Malaysia, and Taejon Christian School, Korea, as well as excerpts from a brochure published by Christian Schools International. All materials are used with permission.




  • Students must hold a current passport from a country other than the Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, or Macau.
  • A Hong Kong/Macau passport holder may qualify if a parent also holds a Hong Kong/Macau passport and has legal working status in Taiwan.
  • A PRC passport holder may qualify if s/he has residency status in Taiwan and meets other ROC government requirements.
  • Students must be five years old by September 1 of the academic year that they wish to begin kindergarten. The Principal may deny enrollment if it is determined by standardized testing that sufficient maturity is lacking for the students who meet the age criterion.
  • Children must be six years old by September 1 of the academic year they wish to enter first grade, and have been promoted from a kindergarten recognized by Morrison Academy.
  • Students must meet eligibility requirements for language ability, special needs, and residency as outlined below.

Grade Placement

Students are ordinarily placed into the appropriate grade indicated by their school records.

When a student’s previous academic progress is questionable, or a student is transferring from another system of education and placement level may be unclear, school records, chronological age, evidence of maturity and standardized placement and/or achievement test scores are considered in deciding grade placement.

In cases of high achievement, students normally will not be placed ahead of their age-appropriate grade.

Grade placement for English Language Learners and Special Needs students are outlined below.

Admission Priorities

Each application for admission to the school will be considered on an individual basis.

Applicants who fulfill the requirements specified in the admissions policies outlined on this page will be admitted according to the following admission priorities:

First Priority – Children of missionaries (as defined by Policy #1613)

Second Priority – Children of Christian workers (as defined by Policy #1614)

Third Priority – All other children. The following factors will be given consideration:

  • The applicant’s parents demonstrate an alignment with Morrison Academy’s Core Values Statement.
  • Morrison is able to meet the educational needs of the applicant.
  • The applicant has the potential for making a positive contribution to a Christian environment.
  • The applicant has brothers or sisters currently enrolled in Morrison Academy.
  • The applicant’s parent(s) attended Morrison Academy.
  • The applicant used to attend Morrison Academy.

English Language Learners

Proficiency in English is essential for academic success at Morrison Academy.

All students transferring from a non-English speaking school will be tested before admittance and placement. Testing requirements for other students are determined by the admissions office.

Students who are determined to be an English Language Learner (ELL) may be admitted if there is a reasonable probability that they will be performing at their appropriate age/grade level within three years of admittance.

Students in grades 6-12 whose English ability is more than one grade level below average will be ineligible for admittance.

All applicants may test again after 6 months if space is available.

Each applicant has only three chances to take admissions tests.

The principal will determine eligibility for admission for ELL students based on: the ability of the school to provide qualified personnel and appropriate resources beyond the year of admittance, the school’s potential for helping the family meet their educational goals for the student, enrollment limits for ELL students, and the educational dynamics of the grade for which the student is applying.

The school does not typically place students below grade level due to ELL needs. The principal, however, has the right to make the final decision regarding grade placement, considering the following factors: age, maturation, academic ability, and past school performance.

If the home language of the student is neither Chinese nor a Germanic or Romance-based language, admission will be conditional for the first year. In order to avoid language confusion and develop a solid foundation in academic English, these applicants must agree to not engage in any Mandarin language study until they have successfully exited Morrison Academy’s ELL program.

Parents will be notified if admittance is contingent upon participation in the ELL program and will be notified of the cost of these services.

Students with Special Needs

Special needs students are those students who require special educational accommodations and curricular modifications, as defined in an Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plan, and/or support services such as individualized or small group instruction provided in a resource room and/or inclusion support in the regular classroom in order to function at an age or grade appropriate level.

Morrison Academy does not knowingly admit non-missionary students who have special needs. Any student with profound special needs is ineligible for admission.

Morrison Academy requires full disclosure of past evaluations and medical reports for students who have been tested for and/or diagnosed with learning differences or disabilities.

If during the admissions process the tester or principal suspect that a student may have special needs, parents may be asked to have the student screened by a qualified educational psychologist at their own expense.

The principal, when possible, will consult with appropriate staff members regarding grade placement of special needs students. The principal will make the final decision regarding grade placement after appropriate testing and consultation. The major factors in determining grade placement are age, maturation, academic ability, and past school performance. In most cases, special needs students will be placed no lower than one grade below his/her expected grade level, as determined by chronological age.

An evaluation of continuing enrollment will be made annually for those students who are receiving direct services to determine if the school can continue to meet their educational needs.


During the school calendar year, students enrolled at Morrison Academy must live with a parent, guardian, or an adult designated by a parent or guardian. Any designated adult must be approved by the school principal. Failure to abide by this regulation will result in the student’s termination of enrollment from Morrison Academy. For all students not living with their parents, a form must be submitted by the parent to the principal designating a legal guardian for the student.

Choosing a Campus

Morrison Academy has three locations in Taiwan. The southern campus in Kaohsiung, central campus in Taichung  and the northern campus in Taipei offer kindergarten through grade twelve. Morrison has operated several satellite schools in other areas of Taiwan for students through the eighth grade, including a one currently operating in Chiayi. Morrison also provides some services to missionaries in Taiwan who are homeschooling their children.


The new Linkou campus is located 30 minutes south of Taipei City and offers single-point bus pick-ups along the Jianguo highway from Taipei City. This campus has around 300 students from Kindergarten to Grade 12. The campus has separate learning pods for elementary, middle, and high school along with multiple performing arts spaces, library, both an indoor and covered outdoor basketball court, and a soccer field.


Taichung is the third largest city located centrally on the island. It is Morrison's oldest campus and offers a 180-student-body high school. It is the only campus with home-style dormitories.


While the Kaohsiung campus is in the countryside, MAK's bus system allows students to easily access the school from the surrounding cities of Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Pingtung. MAK's student body is around 250 students, with about 100 students in the high school.

Choosing a high school program suitable for your child

Please see here for a comparison of the three high school programs.

How to transfer between campuses

Students whose parents move within Taiwan will normally be allowed to transfer to the closest Morrison campus, providing that ELL, SN, and class size limitations are not exceeded. Students who have completed eighth grade or higher (after May 2014) at the Morrison Taipei and Kaohsiung Campuses or sixth grade at a Morrison satellite school will be allowed to transfer to another Morrison Campus to continue their education, provided they meet the criteria for student living arrangements and continuing enrollment.

See this for a scheduling timeline.

Tuition & Fees

See below for detailed information on fees at each school location:
Taipei 2024-25 2025-26
(including Boarding)
2024-25 2025-26
Kaohsiung 2024-25 2025-26
Chiayi 2024-25 2025-26

Admissions Timeline


Dates Taichung Campus Taipei Campus Kaohsiung Campus
Nov. 1 Application for the following
school year is available online.
Jan. 31 Boarding: Preliminary application due
Mar. 1 Boarding: Complete applications due
Applications for
Kindergarten due
Mar. 31 Applications for
Kindergarten due
Grade 1-12 Application Deadline
April - May Testing and Interviews: Please contact
each campus for exact dates and times.
~May 15 Deadline for paying tuition and fees
June - July Summer Break
First week
of August
Testing for any unexpected openings

About Morrison Academy


Introductory Video


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Admissions Process 申請入學流程


What are the requirements for entering Morrison Academy?

Students who attend Morrison Academy must:

  • hold a valid, current passport from a country other than the Republic of China. This is an ROC government regulation for all international schools in Taiwan. All foreign passports are acceptable except those from: the People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong / Macau (see below)
  • be eligible for admission in regard to our policies on English proficiency and Special Needs (see below).


When should I submit an application?

Applications can be submitted anytime after November 1 of the year preceding the school year for which you wish to apply. Applications can be submitted any time, but it is best to have your application on file before the end of March.


Do you need anything besides my application?

Yes. In addition to your application you must submit passport copies for your child and both parents (if applicable) and school records for the past two years, translated into English.


Do I need to have all my application records complete before I submit an application?

No. When you submit your application, you will receive an automated e-mail which tells you what other documents you need to submit. Please note, however, that your application file is not active until all of this other paperwork is submitted.


Must the student’s parents hold a foreign passport to enter the school?

No. The parents’ passport countries do not affect a student’s admission, except if the student holds only a Hong Kong or Macau passport (see below).


I am a resident of Hong Kong or Macau. Can my child attend Morrison?

A Hong Kong/Macau passport holder may qualify for admissions if a parent also holds a Hong Kong/Macau passport and has legal working status in Taiwan. Please check Article #19 of the following regulation:


Does the school offer a higher admissions priority to students with U.S. passports?

No. Students are given equal consideration for admission, regardless of their passport country.


Do all applicants have testing and an interview? 

No. Testing and interviews are only conducted when an opening is available at a given grade level.


Do all applicants have testing and an interview before an acceptance decision is made?

Testing in English proficiency is standard for all students coming from non-English speaking schools or students who have been home schooled. Testing may be waived for students whose academic records indicate that they are succeeding in an all-English school environment. All students and their families are interviewed by a member of our Admissions Committee before they are offered admission. Virtual interviews may be arranged for students outside of Taiwan.


Can my child attend Morrison Academy if he/she is not fluent in English?

Yes, but with certain restrictions listed under the English Language Learner section of the Admission Policies.


When will I be informed of the school’s decision?

You will be informed of the school’s decision within three working days of your interview.


Do you have a waiting list?

We do not have a waiting list in the sense of “first come, first served.” If no space is available at your child’s grade level during the spring admissions season, your application will be kept active until admissions are completed for the school year for which you applied (this is normally in January). If a space becomes available after the normal admissions season is over, we consider all of the applicants for that grade level and you will be contacted if we are interested in inviting you for an interview.


If I have submitted an application before, should I submit a new application each year?

Yes, you should submit a new application after November 1 for the following year.


Do you accept students at any time during the school year?

Students will be considered for admission at any time throughout the year if there is space available at their grade level. After the first quarter of school, classroom teachers will be consulted regarding the entrance of new students.


Can we meet with a teacher, principal or counselor during our visit to the school?

Each campus has individuals who are happy to meet with you personally, answer your questions and give you a tour of school. Meetings with the principal do not take place until your admissions interview, and you will not meet your child’s teacher until your child is admitted. If you have questions or concerns that the admissions staff is unable to address, they will work with you to address them.


If I or my company donates money to Morrison Academy, will we have special priority?

No. Morrison Academy’s admissions practices are not influenced by money or relationship.


Can my child live in the dormitory?

High school students must have attended a Morrison Academy campus for at least one year in order to be eligible to apply to live in the dormitory on the Taichung campus. Exceptions may be made for missionaries. Boarding applications will be considered on an individual basis and are separate from the school.


School Culture 學校文化


My family is not Christian. In what ways will my child be exposed to Christianity at Morrison?

Bible classes are a required part of the curriculum for students from kindergarten through grade 12. All students also participate in weekly chapels. Our teachers and staff also actively seek to integrate biblical perspectives, as appropriate, throughout the curriculum and in their conversations with students outside of the classroom.


If my family is not Christian, can my child be excused from Bible class?

No. Attendance is required in Bible class and weekly chapel services.


What is the student population like at Morrison?

Majority of our student hold American and/or Canadian passports. Please visit our Facts and Figures page for more information about our student demographics.


What qualifications do Morrison’s teachers have? Where are they from?

All Morrison teachers are certified in the subject areas that they are teaching and around half hold Master’s or Doctoral degrees. In addition, all of our teachers identify themselves as Protestant and have signed an agreement with our Statement of Faith.


Are all of your courses taught in English?

Yes. The only exceptions are Mandarin and Spanish classes.


Do Morrison students wear uniforms?

No. While we do enforce the dress code outlined in our Student Handbooks, Morrison students do not wear uniforms.


Do you have after school programs?

Each campus offers a variety of optional after school activities throughout the school year, but we do not offer any ongoing, staffed after school programs.


What opportunities do parents have to be included in school life?

At Morrison, partnering with parents is a high priority. You will receive regular communication regarding opportunities to volunteer and/or participate in school life. Each campus has Parent Advisory Committees (PAC) that work directly with administration to address parent needs.


Academics 課業


How can I find out about the curriculum that is used at Morrison Academy?

Information regarding our curriculum is listed under the "Academics" tab of our website under "Curriculum Guides."


Will my child’s studies at Morrison transfer to overseas schools?

Yes. Morrison Academy is fully accredited through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Association of Christian Schools International.


Do all Morrison students study Mandarin?

All students in grades K-8 have daily Mandarin classes. Mandarin is available, but optional, at the high school level.


Do you offer Advanced Placement (AP) classes?

Yes, all campuses offer AP classes. For detailed information, please visit each campus' school profile page: TaipeiTaichung, and Kaohsiung.


What kinds of colleges do most Morrison graduates attend?

Please take a look at our annual report for more information about our graduates' college attendance.


Does Morrison conduct standardized testing?

Yes. Students in grades 1-8 take MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing biannually. Morrison is a testing site for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT.


Daily School Life 每日學校生活


When does the school day begin and end?

School begins daily at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. Please confirm with each campus as there may be slight differences.


When does the school year begin and end?

School begins mid-August and ends end of May.


Do you provide transportation to and from school?

Currently, transportation is only provided at our Kaohsiung and Taipei campuses.

Do you provide lunch at school?

School lunch options are available at each campus location.


Contact Us


1 Donghu Road, Linkou District
New Taipei City, Taiwan 24449
24449 新北市林口區東湖路1號

Joyce Ku
tel: 886-2-2602-6502 ext. 2121
fax: 886-2-2602-6501

Taichung & Chiayi

216 Si Ping Road, Beitun Dist.
Taichung, Taiwan 40679

Audrey Wu
tel: 886-4-2292-1171 ext. 501
fax: 886-4-2295-6140


42 Chiacheng Road, Dashe District
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 81546

Angela Chu and Cathleen Lin
tel: 886-7-356-1190 ext. 14
fax: 886-7-356-1189