Privacy Protocol
Personal Information
Personal Information Submitted via Forms
Morrison Academy respects your privacy. The personal information (name, address, phone number, etc.) that you submit in forms is collected by us and will enable us to serve you and to provide you with relevant information regarding your submission(s). None of the personal information that you provide using our forms will be sold or shared with third parties (see "Alumni Portal" below for the singular exception). It is stored in a secure database and will only be kept as long as necessary for its intended purpose.
Personal Information Submitted via Alumni Portal
In order to facilitate communication between alumni, your personal information submitted to us through any alumni-related form will be shared on a secure, Morrison-only portal with other alumni and staff. By submitting your data to us via the form, you are agreeing to and accepting this usage.
If you would like to request a copy of the data you've submitted or to purge your personal information from our records (Note: This is NOT reversible.), please contact our web developer ( using the same email address through which you originally submitted the information to Morrison Academy.
Morrison Academy websites use cookies. These cookies do not identify you personally and merely allow us to collect data regarding unique page views and the general location of visitors (country). Should you not wish to use cookies, your browser of choice can be enabled to reject any or all cookies. Cookies may also be deleted from your browser history at any time.
Morrison Procedure
411 Personal Data Protection
Morrison Academy highly values personal data protection and privacy in regards to data. The school does not collect any personal information other than what is voluntarily provided.
Purpose of personal data collection
Morrison Academy collects, processes, and uses personal data in order to provide services and perform business tasks such as employment and admission applications, student and family information, billing/fee collection, internal operation and audit, alumni communications, etc.
Categories of personal data collected
Personal data may include, but is not limited to: name, date of birth, ID number, passport number, facial features, fingerprints, marital status, family information, education background, occupation, employment history, medical records, healthcare data, biometric data, records of physical examination, criminal records, contact information, residential address, financial status, data concerning a person's social activities and any other information that may be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual.
Use of data, time period stored, and storage methods
Seeking employment or admission – If the candidate’s application is declined, his/her personal data will remain on file for three years for future opening considerations.
Other situations – Unless otherwise stipulated by ROC laws or policies and procedures of Morrison Academy, personal data will be stored at Morrison Academy until Morrison’s legal status is terminated.
All staff will be trained in data protection at least once a year.
The Superintendent will report to the Board regarding data protection twice a year.
Data will be used in Taiwan and transferred elsewhere only with permission from the owner of the data.
Data will be collected through paper and electronically
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), from Article 3
The person(s) providing personal data reserves the right to the following:
The right to make an inquiry of, to review, and to request a copy of personal data. Morrison Academy may charge associated fees, when applicable.
The right to supplement or correct personal data with appropriate explanation
The right to demand the cessation of the collection, processing, or use of personal data, and deletion of personal data except for what may be necessary for Morrison Academy to fulfill its statutory obligations or school operation under the relevant laws.
Please contact the Director of Edu Tech (TEL: 04-2297-3927) to exercise these rights.
Data Provision
If an owner of data chooses to not to provide personal data or requests that the school stop collecting, processing, using, or deleting their personal data, Morrison Academy may not be able to perform services or operations as normal or without delay.
411 個人資料保護法應告知事項
本法人(本校)在提供各項服務與執行業務 (如:工作及入學申請、學生及家庭資料、學雜費資訊、內部運作與稽核、校友聯絡) 等合理關聯之特定目的範圍內,蒐集、處理、及利用您的個人資料。
工作或入學申請者 – 若申請被拒,資料將被保留三年,作為未來考慮之用。
其他 – 除法令或本法人(本校)規章辦法另有訂定外,為本法人立案起至業務終止。
您可聯絡科技主任 (TEL: 04-2297-3927) 行使上述權利。