Morrison Academy Covenant

We believe…
In the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture
In the Trinity
In the deity and humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ
In the fall of humanity and the need for redemption
In the atonement through Christ’s death
In justification by faith
In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit
In the resurrection of the body
In the eternal life of the saved and the eternal punishment of the lost
We value…
Discovering Truth through educational excellence
Educating the Whole Person
Partnering with Parents
Flourishing in a Caring Community
Following Jesus Christ and sharing Him with the World
We commit to…
Giving ourselves daily to God through...
Regular worship
Self-examination and confession
Seeking deeper relationship with Him
Humble obedience to God’s will
Giving ourselves daily to each other through...
Thinking of others as more important than ourselves
Submitting to one another
Living contentedly under authority
Pursuing peacemaking and unity
Giving ourselves to the Great Commission through...
Evangelism and discipleship
Christian service
Support for missionary families
Respect for others as bearers of God’s image
“We press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
revised: 2020/04/27